Our Experience
- Translated 9 documents (8 guidelines on GE, MNCH/SRH, Gender responsive Adolescent friendly service and 1 Gender Equality strategy) from English to Bengali for Plan International Bangladesh.
- Behavior Change Communication Training for Shushilan.
- Behavior Change Communication Training for Marie Stopes Bangladesh
- Psychosocial Counseling Training for Terre des hommes
- Formative Research on SBCC for WASH and MCHN for World Vision Bangladesh
- Data Collection in Identifying Factors Influencing Decision Making on Pregnancy Care for Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs
- Participative Consultation Training with Early Married Girls for Terre des homes
- Social and Behavior Change Communication Training for Director General of Family Planning
- Social and Behavior Change and Interpersonal Communication Training for Terre des homes
- Advocacy and Gender Training for Perinatal Care Project, BIRDEM
- End line assessment of TB Care-II project for Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs
- Promotional Strategy Workshop for Community Paramedics Training Institutes (CPTIs) for Swisscontact- Bangladesh
- Policy Dialogues with the health Professionals Association under Tobacco Control Project for Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs